There are many great “green” cleaners out there these days and some that aren’t as green as they say. I’ve bought many over the years. Now, keeping Health, Earth and Budget in mind guides my shopping decision for the most part. I can’t always get all three, but that is the goal. Most of my favorite cleaners hit the healthy and earth friendly categories but blew the budget. Even those that satisfy all three come with packaging I can't always recycle or reuse. I started looking in ernest for cleaners I could make, that really work. Some are throwbacks to things our grandparents used. I love the idea of keeping it simple and using what you already have as much as possible. I have included some of my tried and true favorites.

1Cup baking soda / 1Cup Borax / 1 bar Castile soap (grated with a cheese grater) Mix together and you have an inexpensive laundry soap that is easy on the environment. No nasty chemicals, no plastic jugs or boxes to deal with. I keep mine in a jar with a little scoop (about 1 Tablespoon) and use 1-2 scoops per load. I sometimes mix in lavender or one of the citrus therapeutic grade essential oils – Health, Earth Budget = clean clothes..
I also add a drop or two of the oils and a dash of dish soap to a vinegar/ water mix for an all purpose cleaner. Tea tree, grapefruit, lavender are my favorites for this. I use a bottle from my recycling bin that fits a standard spray nozzle and away I go.

Put orange (or any citrus) peel into a quart of vinegar and wait two weeks (that part is killing me). You mix it at a ratio of 1:1 with water. Put in a spray bottle or a little bucket. I made mine on insomnia night so I have a week to go. In the meantime it looks pretty in my kitchen window.
I hope this inspires you to find healthy, earth friendly, budget friendly cleaners. I would love to hear your ideas too. Happy green cleaning!
green janie